The show revolves around 2 science geeks that share an apartment in a building which has a broken elevator. One of them is Leonard, our hero. He is a shy young man, who appears to the least geeky of the 4 main geeks in the show. His "encounters" with another female geek make for good laughs in many episodes. The 2rd fella is Sheldon. A prodigy, he is the youngest and the most annoying member of the group. His attitude makes one feel repulsive and his social skills can be described as "minimal, to the least possible extent".
Regular visitors to their apartment are 2 of their friends, Howard and Rajesh. Howard is an engineer, whose projects are related to the space mission and lives with his mother. He tries to act a lot as if he is a playboy, but his exploits are always over-stated. Rajesh is an Indian geek, who has a problem talking to beautiful girls (sounds like my life-story :P). He can only relate to them when a) He is drunk or b) He takes some miracle socializing pills.
One days, Leonard's life changes (for the better) when a beautiful girl Penny moves in the apartment front of his. He falls in love with her at first sight, but is always chided by Sheldon because of the "very very less probability of his and Penny's interaction". Infact, Sheldon irritates Penny a lot. Being the more social of the geeks, Leonard attempts to reach out to Penny, but always fails. This, coupled with some too-geeky references to the opposite sex and life in general, make this show a must watch (atleast, that's what I feel).
At first, I was attracted to this show just because of the catchy title. But as the show progressed, I realized that this is not merely another show. The main topic of this show was always close to me - The pinnacle of education and science. These 4 fellas were the best in their fields. They were different and unusual. But that was what the general world felt, the general society. Among their peers, they were the best of the best.
So what does this tell me? It tells me that the society is always mean to the achievers. It tries to pull you down or push you away. Never get bogged down by the expectations of others. Try to live your life the way you deem fit. If you are accepted by your peers, you are accepted by the people whom you care about.
What was the big twist? Well, Penny kisses Leonard on his birthday. That may be just for a second or two, but it was a defining moment in the context of the series. I hope the romance blossoms and makes for more laughs (after all, it's a sitcom!)
This post is dedicated to a special friend of mine, whose name I shall not mention, lest I invade his/her privacy.
Monday, May 19, 2008
The Big Bang Theory...
As much of a science freak that I am, this show is not about the famous concept of singularity and the origin of the universe. It merely refers to the new sitcom ("Situational Comedy" to the uninitiated) that airs on CBS every Monday at 8 pm EST. Well, it may not be that new as it is already 14-15 episodes old. But I wanted to write about it now, because the twist in the show happened to be the most minute act of the latest episode- as if it never happened!
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U should become a tv or movie critic... :D
Anyway, I feel that the society is not mean to achievers, it in fact shamelessly wags its tale in front of most achievers, frankly...
But yes, a section of society at times tries to pull down people with "potential"... But thats part and parcel of the act of proving urself 7 making it BIG!!!...
Well, I will become one as soon as I start earning some money though the usual means... That's a part-time plan of course...
Well, I was talking in the context of the geeks only. I failed to mention that point (sorry for that). Geeks and people with less socializing skills (like me for instance) are often chided by the society at large. What I wanted to convey was that fellas like them should never feel "different" and that being truly accepted by one's peers is better than being superficially accepted by others just for the sake of acceptance...
However the show is more light in it's humor and not that serious :) Recommended especially if you do have a small, dormant, geeky side within you...
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