Sunday, May 18, 2008

Old is funny!!! McCain for President...


Man!! If I ever get a chance to vote, McCain sure can count on my vote! He is awesome!!

Everyone had only 2 points against McCain - Age and Iraq. Now he has gone after the age issue in such a ridiculous manner that had me laughing like hell! Long live McCain!! Cheers!!

In only his second appearance on "Saturday Night Live", he declared that he has the oldness to be the President. He says:

"I have the courage, the wisdom, the experience and most importantly the oldness necessary," the 71-year-old McCain said. "The oldness it takes to protect America, to honor her, love her and tell her about what cute things the cat did."

Later, in an appearance on the show's Weekend Update, McCain urged Democrats to keep fighting their primary nomination battle.

"You have two incredibly talented candidates, why not take every possible second to weigh each of their pros and cons?" he said. "For all you know, there are a bunch of cons you don't even know about yet. Cons that won't reveal themselves should you choose a candidate too early."

When told about the convention in August, he replied, "What's the rush, Seth? I'd urge Democrats not to get caught up in the idea that the candidate has to be decided by the time the convention ends. I've been to a lot of conventions and they are a lot of fun. But when they end, there is always that empty feeling of, 'Oh well, we've picked a nominee. I guess the party's over.' Imagine the excitement of leaving the convention and still not knowing who the nominee was? That would be crazy. Crazy exciting. And if, come November, you still haven't decided, I'd be willing to set aside my differences with your party and say 'Hey, lets put both of them on the ballot.' I will support you on that. It's the least I can do. In conclusion, I want to add that I also thought John Edwards had a lot of good ideas and you might want to kick the tires on him one more time. Thank you and God bless America."

You can read more about it at this link:

The NBC link of his appearance on the show

You can also see the video here. I assure you, even you have no clue about American Politics, you will like this video for sure... Here it goes!

Also for anyone following the elections and for those who argue with me that Barack Obama is the only possible winner of the final election - Look again fellas. Each class and race plays a different role in the elections and looks like the tide is turning. Read this for more info on what I want to say:
Wait for the final show, for I bet it is sure gonna be a bumpy ride for them!!
Ciao till my next post!
Note: My short-story is presently suspended until further notice... Sorry for that, but I hope you understand.

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