There have been many people who keep asking me why is it that I am going against Obama when the entire USA is with him and he is almost certain to become the next president of the USA. Well, today I would like to give out the reasons for my stand.
First, I am not a US citizen, so it doesn't matter to me who becomes the next President of that country (Tavish echoes the same feelings). Second, I read a lot and I try to reason out stuff before taking a stand. I have certain factors and priorities too and my decision is based on that factors. Third, I try to support the underdog for the very reason that he/she is an underdog. Underdogs are never in the limelight for the right reasons and the media tends to overlook and downplay the negative points of the front runner. And the public sways with the media. I, for once, will not be misled again. I have my rights and will support who I think deserves the post.
Point 1: Mr. John McCain has age and experience on his side. He served in the US military and was a POW (Prisoner of War) in the Vietnam for over 5 years - does anybody know about that? People are so obsessed with the economy and stuff, did they ever stop to think who can actually protect their country from enemies they have made aplenty? Can a fella like Obama, who talks too much about peace (something USA doesn't believe much in) really protect the American interests? I don't think so...
Point 2: I prefer a person who has given so much for his country over a fella who has been to Ivy league schools and knows no shit about what the marines are undergoing there in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Point 3: Barack Obama is a big big hypocrite. The only reason why people do not see through that is because the media rarely highlights his negative points. All are going ga-ga over the first to-be Black President of the USA. See, I have nothing against race and religion and an definitely not a racist. But I don't like people who think they are too smart and can get away with anything. More importantly, I hate it when the points that are highlighted as negative for his opponents are not highlighted at all for him.
Quote: " I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites" - this is what Obama said in his book "Dreams of My Father". How many times have we heard Obama actually speak of his mother and his white-grandmother? Why is he now advertising his grassroots? Is he afraid of being a black? Who is he - A white or a black? You must be proud of what you are... Speak up mister, we want to know the truth.
Quote: "'I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mothers race" - same source as above... Wow!!! He hates whites - who are his main voters!!! Why the hell doesn't this show up in the media? Because he is black and America needs a change... Good job media, good job...
Continuation of his hypocrisy: He vocalized his mocking of Bill Clinton and how much he is involved in the campaign of his wife Hillary. I have no problems with that. but hey, isn't your spouse doing the same for you too? then why did you ask the media to back-off when they started to analyse her comments? She is more than a spouse to you, she is your advisor... And yet you want to keep her completely unscrutinized. Well done Obama, well done...
More: I prefer a person who tells clearly why he/she has changed his/her stand rather than simply avoid it as a matter of fact (Remember the flag-pin controversy?) McCain was clear that "he is ignorant on the economy and other related issues", but does Obama admit anything as such? He is also human and has a shoddy past like many of us. If people want to judge McCain, even Obama needs to be judged. He is not a God. History Point: Presidents who admit their mistakes have always shown that they were human and that gave them a boost in the approval ratings - Kennedy and Clinton are the best examples. Bush never admits his mistakes and you have seen what his approval rating has been.
Point 4: Michelle Obama - a paradox unchecked. As I already mentioned her going about unscrutinized, I also have to say she is good at cover-up. When she said "People in this country are ready for change and hungry for a different kind of politics and … for the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback.", she really meant it. Excellent. The future first lady has never ever been proud of her country before. Now all of you must be thinking "Wah Varun, you are trying to twist her words. She must have just said that because she is happy that so many new voters have trusted her husband". Well, two weeks ago I would have admitted defeat at that statement of yours.
But time pays. And this time I got to her roots and discovered this - Michelle LaVaughn Robinson, aka Michelle Obama wrote a "Thesis" while a senior at Princeton entitled "Princeton Educated Blacks and the Black Community" If you go to the Princeton website, they have blocked access to it until AFTER the election.
In the paper, she not only separates whites and blacks in society, but she elevates blacks over whites in her world. "There is no doubt in my mind that as a member of the black community, I am obligated to this community and will utilize all of my present and future resources to benefit the black community first and foremost". "Predominately white universities like Princeton are socially and academically designed to cater to the needs of the white students comprising the bulk of their enrollments".
The conclusion of Michelle's thesis is startling. Mrs. Obama's poll of black alumni concludes that other black students at Princeton do not share her obsession of being black. "I hoped that these findings would help me conclude that despite the high degree of identification with whites as a result of the education and occupational path that black Princeton alumni follow, the alumni would still maintain a certain level of identification with the black community. However, these findings do not support this possibility". Thankfully, it is no surprise that most black alumni ignored her questionnaire. Only 89 students out of 400 filled out the questionnaire.
No, I won't rest my case here.
Point 5: Jeremiah Wright - Well, at this point you may say "Now we got you Varun. Obama already disowned Wright. You can't point to that for sure." Well dear friends, think of this - A man has been associated with me and my life for the last 20 years. This man introduced me to my current religion and officiated my wedding and even baptized my kids. Wow! This man is indeed pretty close to me, isn't he? Well, if I am Obama, that man is Jeremiah Wright for you. And he has disowned him? That's like disowning your own father.
But hey, didn't Obama say initially that "I can no more disown him (Jeremiah Wright) than I can disown the black community. I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother, a woman who helped raise me, a woman who sacrificed again and again for me, a woman who loves me as much as she loves anything in this world, but a woman who once confessed her fear of black men who passed by her on the street, and who on more than one occasion has uttered racial or ethnic stereotypes that made me cringe. These people are a part of me. And they are a part of America, this country that I love". Amazing that he went against his own word so soon... And he diswoned a part of himself? Cool...
Well, McCain wasn't free from this controversy too. His own pastor John Hagee was caught on tape praising Hitler. but what do Americans care most - A pastor calling Hitler as liberator of the Jews or a pastor calling America "God Damn America"? Think with your eyes open for once...
Point 6: Obama makes great speeches. But have you found any substance in his speeches? Being from a Ivy League school, he must have some concrete plan, right? Look and listen to all his speeches again and then tell me if I am wrong. He is just one of us - GLOBE maarne wala. Good speech-givers don't make good leaders. McCain has a concrete plan to end the Iraq war. He knows what needs to be done there. Obama says he will get the troops out in 6o days - and then leave Iraq to rot? Well said Obama, let's see you do that when you assume the office (almost certain by the looks of it).
See friends, I am not against Obama's race, nor can I comment on him being a secret Muslim (as I don't know that and that point doesn't concern me at all). But all I say is he is also a human with many flaws. See, McCain's wife being a former drug addict is known openly and that she is now post-rehab and is indeed trying to live a good life. She doesn't do much in the campaign and only supports her husband. So clearly no one can target her or her words. But Michelle is vocal and is subject to target and scrutiny. Obama must know that.
To become President of the USA one does not need to have great Ivy league degrees or have a great image.The persn who is gritty and can make tough decisions will indeed be the fit one. McCain plays the game diplomatically and this will help the US in the long run. He has the capability, much more than Obama for sure.
People argue that Clinton and Kennedy were both young and made fine Presidents. Well, they were exceptional indeed. But Old is Gold and this post serves as a reminder that only people like McCain have the experience and can think rationally and practically at the same time.
But I can be wrong and Obama could turn around the fortunes of America. But I am pretty sure you won't deny that he has made as many friends as enemies. This is tough when your own party supporters hate you.
For the tough life he has ahead, read this link.
Mark this statement carefully: "Hatred of John McCain will not immediately galvanize Democrats into a united force. McCain is, simply put, hard to hate. The most unsympathetic of biographers would not question his patriotism or bravery or character or commitment. Not even Obama choosing Clinton for his running mate would bridge the psychological divide here. That would create the immediate specter of a dysfunctional marriage in need of emergent counseling. It would look and feel like a shotgun wedding. And there’s that image of a gun again. Best to steer clear".
And ya, ABO = Anyone But Obama... and Grandpa = John McCain...
See friends, I am not against Obama's race, nor can I comment on him being a secret Muslim (as I don't know that and that point doesn't concern me at all). But all I say is he is also a human with many flaws. See, McCain's wife being a former drug addict is known openly and that she is now post-rehab and is indeed trying to live a good life. She doesn't do much in the campaign and only supports her husband. So clearly no one can target her or her words. But Michelle is vocal and is subject to target and scrutiny. Obama must know that.
To become President of the USA one does not need to have great Ivy league degrees or have a great image.The persn who is gritty and can make tough decisions will indeed be the fit one. McCain plays the game diplomatically and this will help the US in the long run. He has the capability, much more than Obama for sure.
People argue that Clinton and Kennedy were both young and made fine Presidents. Well, they were exceptional indeed. But Old is Gold and this post serves as a reminder that only people like McCain have the experience and can think rationally and practically at the same time.
But I can be wrong and Obama could turn around the fortunes of America. But I am pretty sure you won't deny that he has made as many friends as enemies. This is tough when your own party supporters hate you.
For the tough life he has ahead, read this link.
Mark this statement carefully: "Hatred of John McCain will not immediately galvanize Democrats into a united force. McCain is, simply put, hard to hate. The most unsympathetic of biographers would not question his patriotism or bravery or character or commitment. Not even Obama choosing Clinton for his running mate would bridge the psychological divide here. That would create the immediate specter of a dysfunctional marriage in need of emergent counseling. It would look and feel like a shotgun wedding. And there’s that image of a gun again. Best to steer clear".
And ya, ABO = Anyone But Obama... and Grandpa = John McCain...
An eye opener!!! I am not following these US elections keenly but I liked the way you reasoned out your prefernces... Good work!!!!
Do write such stuff when general elections hit India next year, hopefully :D
Was it really necessary for you to explain your stance so elaborately? Halfway through it, I fell asleep!
But, I do concur with you and as we will see in 6 months, John McCain will be the President of USA.
Thanks guys for reading through that elaborate post... Well, I was gettting frustated ppl asking me why I am McCain supporter as such.. So I tried to reason myself out and give then a equal chance... Pppl alwayfail to see what the bad qualities of the front-runner are... I just tried to highliht some stuff that's all.. Not that I am a Obama hater as such... Just a pro-McCain fella...
Yes Francis, that will be a day to celebate for me (and you too)...
did u ever thought of becoming a lawyer??:)
When you see one of those Electronic Kundalis, it comes for me that "you are good to become a lawyer..." Nice hunch... But I was always more of a Science fella so never interested in Law as such...
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